Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can I depart ???

Just when I was playing,
Life’s going the easy way,
You came as lovely star,
Were so close but yet so far,
The words were soothing ,
The smile was pleasing ,

Life’s going the beautiful way,

Feeling your warmth every way,
Feeling you all the way,
Building dreams all the way.

Life’s going the beautiful way.

Somewhere I had a fear,
The life’s can’t be so dear,
Will loose you forever,
Was my fear , 'Oh' My Dear.

Just then life got shattered,
All the dreams got scattered,
My tears every way,
Yet Feeling you everyway.
Tried to forget you all the way,
Yet Feeling you everyway.

Life’s so different and life’s so apart,
I wonder, how to forget & amp; how to depart,
I wonder, Can I depart ????

1 comment:

  1. awesome write up..I see a great writer and a cross career for u... :)
